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Technical Standard Orders (TSO) Catalog Page - 3

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TSO Number TSO Holder Name TSO Title Part Model Number/Name RFQ
TSO-C106 Honeywell International Inc Field Loadable Primus EPIC System used on Embraer ERJ-170 ps7027709-00103 software product id mm7027704-004, RFQ
TSO-C106 B & D Instruments And Avionics NA 90004-003-800, RFQ
TSO-C113 Cmc Electronics Inc C4X Integrated Avionics System 100-655001-xx, 100-602580-xxx, 100-602580-000, -001, -002, 100-602573-xxx, 100-602571-xxx, RFQ
TSO-C113 Rockwell Collins Software Criticality: Levels A and D 822-2149-101, RFQ
TSO-C113 Rockwell International Avionics Group Option Control Module, OCM-4100 822-1463-252, 822-1463-313, 822-1463-312, 822-1463-311, 822-1463-310, 822-1463-309, 822-1463-253, 822-1463-308, RFQ
TSO-C117A Rockwell Collins Common Computing Module Runtime model ccmr-5110, p/n 810-0176-002, model ccmr-5110, p/n 810-0176-003, RFQ
TSO-C120 Collins Commercial Avionics Rockwell International Corp NA mfd-871t 622-9870-001/-002/-003/-004/-015/-016/, efd-871 622-9345-029, efd 871-622-9434-020, fmc-5000 822-0891-001, fmc-6000 822-0868-002, mfd-871 622-9345-023/-024, mfd-871 622-9434-020, mfd-871 622- RFQ
TSO-C126A Emerging Lifesaving Technologies 406 Coaxial Cable SMA to SMA pn 315-17-06, RFQ
TSO-C126B Orolia Sas ELT AP INTEGRA p/n s1850501-xx.(x).(xx), RFQ
TSO-C127 Ki Holdings Co Ltd TPL 3" RECLINE WITH SUPER SLIDE TABLE RH ars-596, p/n 83-236b8922-424, ars-596, p/n 83-236b8997a424, ars-596, p/n 83-236b9006-424, ars-596, p/n 83-236b8997-424, ars-596, p/n 83-236b9006a424, RFQ
TSO-C127 Monogram Systems Co-Pilot Seat 871500-605-002, RFQ
TSO-C127A Ki Holdings Co Ltd DBL I/A CTR RH ars-837, p/n 83282b17258-404, RFQ
TSO-C127A Timco Aerosystems SEAT ASSY, TRIPLE, SECOND ROW LH, Y-BELT, HDCP model b3500, p/n 3503181-471-( ), RFQ
TSO-C127A B/E Aerospace Inc 747 SEAT, RH FWD be15.0-2-58, 1012101-022ej05, RFQ
TSO-C127A Ki Holdings Co Ltd TPL.I/A ars-642, p/n 83248b10763-***, RFQ
TSO-C127A Ki Holdings Co Ltd Double with In-Arm Table & PC-Power Outlet RH ars-626, p/n 83-220b9834a404, RFQ
TSO-C127A Ki Holdings Co Ltd DBL LAST ROW WITH PROX LH ars-837, p/n 83282b16684-409, RFQ
TSO-C129A Rockwell International Avionics Group Airborne Supplemental Navigation Equipment Using Global Positioning System (GPS) 822-1622-011, 822-1622-001, 822-1622-002, 822-1591-00x, 822-1622-012, 822-1622-111, 822-1622-111, 822-1623-011, 822-1623-002, 822-1623-001, 822-1622-112, 822-1622-102, 822-1622-101, 822-1478-00x, 822- RFQ
TSO-C135 Messier Bugatti Main Wheel (no brake) c20600( ), RFQ
TSO-C135 Goodrich Aircraft Wheels & Brakes Goodrich Main Landing Gear Wheel Assembly p/n 3-1674( ), RFQ
TSO-C146B Cmc Electronics Inc Boot Software (BR) 169-614377-300, cma-5024, 169-614377-300, 169-614377-700, 169-614377-500, cma-5024, 169-614377-300, RFQ
TSO-C146D Astronautics Corp Of America Electronic Flight Instrument p/n 267800-( ) where 267800-1 is the first in a series, RFQ
TSO-C148 Alcoa Fastening Systems Insert - Adjusting Knob Special rza11849, RFQ
TSO-C148 Alcoa Fastening Systems Insert - Molded-In, Thru Hole d226he362-( )( ), RFQ
TSO-C148 Anillo Industries Inc Washer, Plain, Cres (Nominal or Oversize) bacw10ep, RFQ
TSO-C148 Alcoa Fastening Systems Insert - Blind Threaded, Snap-In Type, Molded in d171se395-10-6, RFQ
TSO-C151B Avidyne Corporation INTEGRATED FLIGHT DISPLAY, MPIO Software 530-00207-( ), RFQ
TSO-C165 Astronautics Corp Of America Electronic Flight Instrument System p/n 272500-(), RFQ
TSO-C165 Aspen Avionics Analog Converter Unit 910-00004-[ ], RFQ
TSO-C169A Rockwell Collins Input/Output Module model iom-6000, p/n 822-2396-032, model iom-6000, p/n 822-2396-012, model iom-6000, p/n 822-2396-002, model iom-6500, p/n 822-2397-011, model iom-6500, p/n 822-2397-031, model iom-6500, p/n 822-2397-0 RFQ
TSO-C1C Kidde Aerospace Smoke Detector Family 473597-( )-( ), RFQ
TSO-C22F Aerolex Ltd NA al.2786, RFQ
TSO-C23C Flight Concepts International Inc NA fci-t-424/-525, gp-601/gp1000/gp2000, gp-101/gp-201/gp-301/gp-401/gp-501, fci 101/201/301/401/501/601, RFQ
TSO-C2D L-3 Communications Avionics System Inc Flight Display Rack 9200-22600-( ) where 9200-22600-01 9200-22600-02 (light weight rack) are the first in the series, RFQ
TSO-C2D Aspen Avionics Emergency Backup Battery (EBB-58) 413-00002-(), 413-00002-[ ], RFQ
TSO-C30C Aeroleds Llc NAV/ACS ? Class II white collision and Type II Right position p/n 900-01-200-r, RFQ
TSO-C34E Honeywell International Inc NA md-80 4055900-( )/4056510-( )/4056512-( ) /4056511-( )/4056513-( ) 405-3000-(0)/901/902, rm-855, rm-855, bae146 4066, md-80 4055900-( )/4056510-( )/4056512-( ) /4056511-( )/4056513-( ) 405-3000-(0)/90 RFQ
TSO-C36E Honeywell International Inc Integrated Navigation Receiver model inr, pn 940-2001-[], RFQ
TSO-C36E Chelton Flight Systems IDU-450 Application Card 42-009001-[ ], RFQ
TSO-C37D Comant Industries Inc WSI/VHF Antenna (Incomplete System) ci 2680-205 rev. a, RFQ
TSO-C39B Zodiac Seats France Fourth Occupant Seat Type I p/n 167(xx)(x)(x)-(xx), RFQ
TSO-C39B Ki Holdings Co Ltd TPL WITH SUPER SLIDE TABLE 1" REC RH ars-704, p/n 83258b12422a460, ars-704, p/n 83258b12422-460, RFQ
TSO-C39B Ki Holdings Co Ltd Sleeper Seat Double Standard RH 50°Rec Legrest Restrict ars-419, p/n 194-5625-406, RFQ
TSO-C39B Ki Holdings Co Ltd ECONOMY DELUXE CLASS DBL CTR RECLINE RESTRICT LH ars-483, p/n 83-193b7530-415, ars-483, p/n 83-193b6354-415, ars-483, p/n 83-193b8237-415, RFQ
TSO-C39C Ki Holdings Co Ltd TPL RH STD WITH PROX LIGHT ars-869, p/n 83304b20419-402, RFQ
TSO-C39C Recaro Aircraft Seating Americas Inc DBL W/LH 4420b844-21-011, RFQ
TSO-C39C Ki Holdings Co Ltd TPL LH STD WITH B/O ars-851, p/n 83256b18794-405, RFQ
TSO-C39C Weber Aircraft Llc B/C, SINGLE, STD, RH 866581-402, RFQ
TSO-C39C Timco Aerosystems Seat Assy., Triple, Narrow, HDCP, No F/T, Stretcher, R/H b1000s, p/n 70753-452-( ), b1000s, p/n 70753-452-( ), b1000s, p/n 70753-452-( ), RFQ
TSO-C43C Rockwell International Avionics Group Adaptive Flight Display 822-1753-309/-311, pn 822-1577-009, 822-1917-204, pn 822-1577-103, pn 822-1577-202, pn 822-1577-303, pn 822-1577-610, pn 822-1917-202, 822-1084-355/-356/-357/-423/-424/-497/-498, 822-1753-355/-356/-35 RFQ
TSO-C43C Avidyne Corporation INTEGRATED FLIGHT DISPLAY, FPSM Software 530-00208-( ), RFQ
TSO-C43C Avidyne Corporation INTEGRATED FLIGHT DISPLAY, ACR Software 530-00206-( ), RFQ
TSO-C4C Aspen Avionics EWR50 Datalink Receiver 910-00007-[ ], 910-00007-(), 910-00007-( ), RFQ
TSO-C4C Northrop Grumman Litton Systems Inc LTN-96 IRU 461800-02-106, RFQ
TSO-C5C Symetrics Industries Llc Remote Directional Indicator 230-( ), p/n 505-0026-9( ), RFQ
TSO-C62D Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited NA dr17421t, dr30420t, dr30320, dr30020t, dr29620t, dr25624t, dr13931, dr19512t, dr15857t, dr15855t, dr15854t, dr30508t, dr27921t, dr9839t, dr9837t, dr7623t, dr5875, dr31722t, dr31216t, dr31116t, dr31018 RFQ
TSO-C66B Goodrich Avionics Systems Inc TX970( ) DME/TACAN Transceivers 805d0602-00, 805d0602-03, 805d0602-01, 805d0602-02, RFQ
TSO-C66C Rockwell Collins Multi-Function Key Panel Application model mkpa-6100, p/n 810-0223-001, RFQ
TSO-C69B Air Cruisers Company NA d29984-103, -109, 63551-101, edr 09-965, edr 09-964, edr 09-963, d31840-101, d29985-103 thru -111, d29982-121 thru -127, 64183-208, 63936-330, 63604-308, 63604-307, md-11 61283-series, 63604-305, 767 RFQ
TSO-C6D Litef Gmbh Direction Instrument, Non-Magnetic (Gyroscopically Stabilized) 124210-2022, 124210-1022, RFQ
TSO-C6E Meggitt Avionics MA400S1 Integrated Secondary Flight Display (ISFD) p/n 40002-00-(xx), p/n 40005-00-(xx), p/n 40004-02-(xx), p/n 40006-00-(xx), p/n 40003-00-(xx) with hardware component 41031-03-01, p/n 40001-00(xx) with hardware component 41163-01-01, p/n 40000-01-(x RFQ
TSO-C70 Switlik Parachute Co NA lwc-4101( ), ex-6001-( ), c-7, lwc-8101( ), ra-30002, lwc-6101( ), RFQ
TSO-C87A Astronautics Corp Of America Multi-function Display System p/n 273714-( ) where 273714-1 is the first in a series, RFQ
TSO-C8D Aspen Avionics Installation Kit, EFD1000 903-00001-[ ], RFQ
TSO-C8E Astronautics Corp Of America Electronic Flight Instrument 266060-() where 266060-1 is the first in series, software 266720-0003, 261400-() where 261400-1 is the first in a series, p/n 267800-( ) where 267800-1 is the first in a series, RFQ
TSO-C90C Zone Artisanale De La Bohalle Cargo Net, Type 2M2N/2A1N 2m2n-b2-(xxx )-(xx ), RFQ
TSO-C91A Chelton Avionics Incorporated D/B/A Wulfsberg Electronics Division Lithium Manganese Dioxide (LiMnO2) Battery Pack used with models ME406, ME406HM and ME406P ELT?s 453-6603, 453-6611, 453-6604, RFQ
TSO-C92C Honeywell International Inc Field Loadable Primus EPIC mm70333384-004 pn eb7031236-( ), mm7031235-007 pn eb7031236-( ), eb7031236-( ), ps7027709-( ), RFQ
TSO-C92C Rockwell International Avionics Group Adaptive Flight Display Application, AFDA-3300 810-0038-100, RFQ
TSO-C95 Rockwell Collins Adaptive Flight Display model afd-5220e, p/n 822-1917-306, model afd-5220e, p/n 822-1917-325, model afd-5220e, p/n 822-1917-125, model afd-5220, p/n 822-1577-125, RFQ

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